Actions for Justice ( AXJ ) is in the process of building its own independent intranet and news websites around the world ( AXJ GLOBAL NEWS ) and needs your support. As a non profit all funds received go towards expanding our present network of over 5,000 websites world wide. We pay for hosting, servers, webmasters, reporters, journalists, writers, editors, and publishers. Please click on the button below and donate what you can.
As an independent news Agency you too can become a Citizen Reporter for Actions for Justice ( AXJ ) with all legal international credentials necessary to do your work of reporting. As a non profit all funds received go towards our expanding your network and adding it as one more to our present intranet of over 5,000 websites world wide. The donations are used to pay for hosting, servers, webmasters, reporters, journalists, writers, editors, and publishers. Please click on the button above and donate what you can.
As you can see by the Tweets on the right, AXJ is the only news Organization that publishes its news in real time 24/7/365. Get your message out now! Why wait? Your generous donations are used to pay for hosting, servers, webmasters, reporters, journalists, writers, editors, and publishers. Please click on the button above and donate what you can.
AXJ also receives important donations from around the world to create Trusts and manage those funds for the creation of Food Banks, Health Care Centers, Elderly Centers, etc. Please let us know the cause that you would like your donation to be used for.
American Donation rules
I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
I am not a citizen of the U.S. and do not need to comply with any American rules.
This donation is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this donation.
I am making this donation with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
I am at least eighteen years old.
I am not a federal contractor in the U.S.